Friday, August 22, 2008

GK Anniversary Shawl Photo Spread!

Ta DA!

Okay, perhaps if I had stayed up a little later and checked my e-mail, I would have gotten the e-mail from my sister. Did I tell you I have the best sister in the world? She got on my Flickr, oh, about midnight, and left me humorous comments. These are her top picks. Thanks, Amy! I love you, man!

The next one won in the "roundness" category. Heh heh.

I am so happy to be finished with this beauty. I wore it around the house last night for fun. I need to go grocery shopping and do laundry as well as other mundane tasks right now. I may post again this evening to give project specs and talk a little about this shawl.


Anonymous said...

Oh how could you doubt me? After all you helped by grunting really hard over the phone as I pushed the heavy furniture around at school. Besides, I enjoyed seeing all the pictures. If anyone else wants to see them, find Knitpox on Flickr. They enlarge full screen on slideshow. By the way, I like your idea of turning your monitor screen darker each day until your DH realizes he must run, not walk to the electronics store to purchase a new monitor. Heh, heh, do you think it will work?

Anonymous said...


Just beautiful..... Sooooooooo,
what's next ?????????


Amanda said...

A joy to look at. Fabulous work!

Jessica said...

Now all we need is some pictures of you wearing it!

Melanie said...

love it!!!

Laura Neal said...

That is simply amazing! It is like a beautiful and colorful sunburst! Very nicely done!

Bereni (BEAR-wren-knee) said...

Thanks, y'all!

Regina said...

Stunningly beautiful! It's THE best GKAMS to me, love it so much!

Bereni (BEAR-wren-knee) said...

Thanks Regina!