Oh, if it only would! We've had such a hot and humid summer this year, here in Southeast VA. I am ready for fall. We don't seem to get much in the way of winter here. I believe it snowed a total of fifteen minutes last year. So, I 've decided to make my own snow. It's the Winter Wonderland Shawl, a gorgeous pattern, designed by Sharon Winsauer. You can find it here:
http://www.thealpacayarnco.com/Suri%20Elegance%20Patterns.htmThe snowflakes are so much fun to knit. I think I'm addicted to them. I am on my fifth so far, and they are all so different that I know I won't lose interest. It's fun to block them as you go, because they're so small and easy to pin out. Once the snowflakes are knit (out of Glimmer Alpaca, so they have a little sparkle), you knit a hexagonal lace border "background" around each one, and then sew them all together. I'm using Jaggerspun Zephyr for the lace borders.
Well, I have been sucked into the happy vortex that is Ravelry. I've spent several hours tonight and last night setting up my notebook. It's coming along slowly. What a great tool! I think it's going to help me with one of the main reasons that I started this blog. I'll let you know what that is, tomorrow....
Back to Ravelry!